Kickstarter – Templar Intrigue – A Werewolf type game

Templar Intrigue – A Werewolf type game, is a Kickstarter project that’s closing in less than three days and is taking a funding approach I find quite interesting. Billed as “Pay What You Want,” the project’s basic reward — which gets you the game — is officially priced at $2 in the US. They suggest you pay $5 for the game, but if you pay at least $2 then you will get a copy of the game. Very interesting to watch, especially since Kicktraq shows the average pledge is $5.

If you’re unfamiliar with Werwolf it’s a party game in which a large group (15 to 20 isn’t uncommon) play in a single game. My personal favorite edition is The Werewolves of Millers Hollow*, but there are dozens of versions and variants of the game out there.

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