Kickstarter – The Magazine — Year Two Book: An Anthology of Curiosity

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In its final hours at Kickstarter, The Magazine – Year Two isn’t looking like it will meet its funding goal, and that’s a sad thing since the Year One book was a fantastic collection of essays and was so much fun to read that I’ve been looking forward to a second volume all year.

If you’re at all a fan of independent journalism I suggest backing this project; there’s even a level at which you can get both Book One and Book Two! Now my encouraging all of you to jump in and support this is purely motivated by my desire to own the second book, but even ignoring that I can safely state the graphic design and photography is gorgeous and the writing of Book One is quite engaging.

But don’t just take my word for it. Visit the Kickstarter project and don’t miss out on scoring the first book as a free digital book: download links are posted here.

This anthology covers researchers “crying wolf,” learning to emulate animal sounds; DIY medical gear, making prosthetics and other tools available more cheaply and to the developing world; a fever in Japan that leads to a new friendship; saving seeds to save the past; a hidden library at MIT that contains one of the most extensive troves of science fiction and fantasy novels and magazines in the world; and far, far more.