Kickstarter – The Wardenclyffe Horror

Lovecraft horror fans may want to take a quick look at The Wardenclyffe Horror, a Kickstarter project attempting to put together a 92-page novel featuring Tesla and Twain. The sample pages feature a fun, underground-style illustration and at $24 for the printed collection I think I’m gonna take a chance on this. I know that not every “Lovecraftian” story is good, but I like the art style enough that at the very least I’ll enjoy flipping through the finished book.

I love how many new things pop up on Kickstarter, but I wish there was a Kickstarter-like site to generate funds to support every Kickstarter project that looks neat.

Visit Kickstarter!

The Wardenclyffe Horror is a 92 page graphic novel set in New York, 1908, a mostly unremarkable year. It follows Nikola Tesla and Mark Twain through the events of a horror story that explores what happens when fringe science goes horribly awry.

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