KISS Demon Destroyer Robot on Sale at Action Figure XPress

You may remember Funko’s KISS Demon Destroyer vinyl robot toy that we looked at earlier this year (review here). Well, if you liked what you saw then you’ll be happy to know that the robot’s now on sale at Action Figure XPress for only $20. That’s a great price on an awesome toy . . . but I’m kinda sad to see this guy already on sale.

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Why would I be sad to see a toy on sale? Because it suggests that sales of the KISS Demon Destroyer vinyl robot aren’t doing all that well, and if that’s true then the chances of more robots in the future just dropped dramatically. I guess that means I had better hope that the Batman Robot Vinyl Invader* does so shockingly well that it makes up for whatever sales disappointments have been left behind by the KISS Demon Destroyer robot.

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