Kotobukiya Batman Statues at New York Toy Fair
Kotobukiya makes great statues (Amazon.com search*), and now they’re showing off upcoming Batman statues inspired by the new movie and DC’s current comics. I snapped nine photos at the Kotobukiya booth at New York Toy Fair last week and those are now online in this new Flickr set. These look fantastic, and if you’re a Batman fan then you need to check out the photos.

But as awesome as these look, I’ve settled on the Batman Black and White series* as my preferred series of Batman statues to actually collect (as opposed to drool on in stores). And now that I have a few more Black and White statues it’s time for me to review them, but as we wait for me to start writing don’t miss my earlier reviews of statues in the series: Batman Black and White Statue: Ethan Van Sciver and Batman Black and White Statue: Gotham Knight.
Related articles
- Funko’s Upcoming Batman Vinyl Robot (battlegrip.com)
- Spotted Online – Kaiju Korner Kotobukiya Visit (battlegrip.com)
- Batman Black and White Illustration (battlegrip.com)
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