Krakit Opens his Glyos System Custom Corps Figures

Yeah, the internet will allow people to post anything. Yes, anything. Including this video of Krakit (from the October Toys forums) opening his Glyos System Custom Corps figures.

Notice how Krakit was smarter than me? He ordered two of the Custom Corps figures while I only ordered one (I reviewed mine here). Yes, if Matt runs another Custom Corps line then I’m getting the maximum number of figures that he allows.

3 thoughts on “Krakit Opens his Glyos System Custom Corps Figures

  1. Ha ha ha! I actually saw this the first day I started looking at your site. The Glyos stuff fascinated me so much I scoured the internets for anything Glyos-related… and I found this grown man acting like a little kid opening his toys—- something I do every time I get a new toy 😉

    Krakit, you’re the man, man.

  2. Phil,

    there was no reason to order two…I mean, based on the ones still out there, you wouldn’t have gotten anything good – Glyoptimus is still out there, more “clear orange” guys…

    Yeah, I wish I could have ordered three.

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