LEGO + Robotech = Wow!

I followed this tweet by Matt_Alt last week and was surprised to find such an amazing LEGO Macross VF-1 created by a fan. Take a look at the pics at LEGO Cuusoo and then, just to make it a little more exciting, watch this video that show’s the toy’s transformation process.

For more on this work of toy art see this post at ToysREvil. And who would like to buy one of these kits if it gets made?

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2 thoughts on “LEGO + Robotech = Wow!

  1. Get Yamato on the phone, they and Lego need to make this happen right now!

    Would love too see a plethora of Valkyrie kits from VF-1’s to Thunderbolts to Fire Kais etc etc.

  2. @Court – Reportedly I should have watched the video to the end to get a link to order right now. I’ll have to look at this again when I have more time.

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