Limited Edition World War Z Coming from Cemetery Dance Publications

Cemetery Dance Publications (website, Twitter) has something new in the works for zombie fans: World War Z: The Deluxe Special Edition.

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I first read the World War Z paperback* back in 2007 and found it a fun read . . . though I still don’t see a way for anyone to create a coherent film that is faithful to the book.

But regardless of the movie, the book itself is a great read and I’m definitely going to watch for artwork from this edition to be released; if this looks overly cool then I may just have to order a copy for my shelf.

Special Features Exclusive to this Collector’s Edition:
• epic cover artwork by Caniglia
• extremely collectible print run that is a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands of copies of the edition you’ll see in bookstores — and you will NOT see our edition in chain bookstores!

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