LJN Dungeons & Dragons Fortress of Fangs Playset
November 26, 1983. It isn’t that toys were better in the eighties . . . except that toys were better in the eighties. Seriously, kids! Who out there can say that they wouldn’t love to see a playset along the lines of the LJN Dungeons & Dragons Fortress of Fangs toy in stores today? And before you get too excited, please remember that $25 in 1983 dollars translates to $61 so it isn’t that I am looking for a steal when it comes to price tag, but I’d like to just once see a playset this incredible at Walmart or Target.

The above ad isn’t nearly as impressive as this one that I posted back in early 2016. My technique and skill at capturing these old ads has improved since I first shared the advertisement, though, so I have gone back and captured a better image. Gotta archive the best possible example of the ad for the world, right?