Lone Wolf: Chasm of Doom Advertisement from 1985
The classic Lone Wolf gamebooks of the eighties (find at Amazon.com*) were always a favorite with adventure fans, and this 1985 ad for the fourth in the series is one that drives home just how cool these books truly are.
And if you’ve never read The Chasm of Doom, the book’s author, Joe Dever, has given permission for it to be freely distributed online. There ya go, kids, a free adventure you can play right now. Have fun!

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I love this series! I stumbled across a few of them at a yard sale when I was a child, rediscovered them in college, and then tried to start completing the series a few years back. I’ve even used them as an almost pre-made D&D campaign with some friends. They’re just fun and I love the work that Project Aon has done!
@Barbecue17 – That Project Aon site is fantastic. There’s so many hours of goodness there that I could technically not buy a new gamebook for years.
Downloaded now. The Lone Wolf books seem to have flown under the radar a little more over here, but I came across them around 2005 when I was buying up a ton of Fighting Fantasy gamebooks at local charity stores — keen to give this one a try.
@Wolf – The Freeway Warrior series is also fun.
Oh yeah! These look so cool, too!
I’m juuuust a little too young to have been round for the prime era of gamebooks, but there were always CYOA books around as a kid. And for some reason my high school had an amazingly good collection of Fighting Fantasy books too, c.2000-2001 — I have no idea how they ended up there.