“Look for all six G.I. Joe Adventure Team Action Back Packs” in 1971
Between GI Joe: The Complete Story of America’s Favorite Man of Action* and G.I. Joe and Other Backyard Heroes* I could be in serious trouble if I ever started chasing down the vintage 12-inch G.I. Joe action figures. Those two books are highly recommended if you’re ever interested in the G.I. Joe toys of the sixties and seventies, but both are dangerous and could lead to you chasing down those old toys.

And with Hasbro’s marketing tools like this flyer showing the Action Back Packs from 1971, is it any wonder I keep staring at those old toys? This art is amazing, and every single image screams out that I must one day have a few of these toys. Or, better still, an Adventure Team book loaded with the toys, catalogs, instructions, and packaging. Someone make that book so I can buy it.