Lucky Charms Wants You to Play With Your Food

In my day they would have packed a plastic disc or star into the cereal and told us to use that to play the game, but these days kids buying Lucky Charms are being encouraged to use their cereal to play a simple game. For shame, cereal makers! It’s about time you guys start putting some real treats in those boxes.


2 thoughts on “Lucky Charms Wants You to Play With Your Food

  1. I agree 100% – kids these days don’t know how great it was to find a plastic toy in your cereal and it’s about time they reintroduced them. Although chances are there’s some kind of law in place that stops the manufacturers from doing so to protect idiots from eating the toys…

  2. @Iok – Every now and then a cereal has a toy inside so I’m not sure if it’s a law blocking our fun or just profit margins. Makes me think I need to do a little research and try to track down what’s causing cereals to leave out the toys these days.

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