MakeToys’ Unofficial Transformers Metrotitan Available for Pre-Order
In the official Transformers continuity the Metrotitans are “giant city-sized bots, created millions of years ago by the Knights of Cybertron to act as their living ships, and capable of tremendous feats such as teleporting across vast distances.” (See Wikipedia.) The original Metrotitan toy was released in 1990, and now third party toymaker MakeToys is offering up their own take on the toy.

Up for pre-order now at Big Bad Toy Store, Dystopia is a repaint of the MakeToys Utopia toy that was released last year. I guess if you’re going to build such a giant Transformers toy it’s a great idea to have a repaint ready . . . but where’s the Necrotitan version of this design? And why haven’t we seen Hasbro reissue the Transformers Generations Metroplex* toy in Metrotitan colors?
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