Making the Transformers Over-Run More Like Runabout
As some of you already know I posted a review of Over-Run at TFSource a few days ago. If you have read my review then you saw that I wish there was an upgrade kit to make Over-Run look more like the 1986 Runabout Battlecharger. Well, while I wait for a kit (which will likely never happen) I thought I’d show how a few tweaks to the transformation process can make the new toy look a little more like the original design.

- Weapons –Leave the handweapon stored behind the figure’s back and store one of the shoulder cannons on the clip where it mounts in vehicle mode.
- Wings –Collapse these down as far as they’ll go and leave them behind the robot’s back. This causes the rear of the car to raise up a bit higher when he’s in robot mode . . . but if you compare the versions in the photo you’ll see that actually helps make the new toy look more like the original.
- Wheels – Flip these to the back of the shoulders. It’s simple, but it helps change the look of the toy.
And that’s it. A few simple tweaks. I still want a new head and a more G1-accurate shoulder cannon (especially one that can mount on the shoulder), but I was surprised at how much the toy’s look could be brought toward the original design with just a few changes to the transformation.

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