Marvel Avengers at Wal-Greens
I stopped in Wal-Greens on the way to work this morning and noticed that they have a pretty healthy number of Avengers oddities close to the front of the store. Candy, tattoos, and even Grab Zags randomized trinkets and toys — official website — filled the shelves. Looks like a lot of fun for the Marvel fans out there.
I have decided that I need the Grab Zags Loki, I’ll be sure to hit up some drugstores.
Why didn’t I know about Grab Zags until now? Looks like I’m heading to Wal-Greens!
I grabbed two Grab Zags while I was there. Time to snap some pics!
Grab Zags is giving away free Avengers Grab Zags to their facebook fans right now, if you’re interested. All you have to do is like their page to enter the drawing to win.