Marvel Universe Series 2 on Shelves; Fury Files is Changing
I located the latest wave of Marvel Universe 3.75-inch action figures today, and the numbering has restarted at 001. I grabbed the new Spider-Man and Vision, but Wal-Mart had all of the wave six figures in stock.

And it’s not just the numbering that has changed. Fury Files is changing from a S.H.I.E.L.D. site to a H.A.M.M.E.R. site. I can’t wait to see how Hasbro progresses the storyline; and when do we get an Iron Patriot action figure?

Has anyone else found this wave? And, more importantly, has anyone seen news about wave 7? Maybe Iron Patriot’s coming sooner than I think.
THAT’S the Spider-Man figure I was talking about!
And I saw him like towards the end of last month at
a local Target store.
I saw these at a Wal-Mart on Halloween, and picked up Jean Grey. She looks like she’s shrugging or slouching, but I like her.
@JBizzle – Cool. I figured this might be the one as soon as I noticed that he was missing the symbol on his chest. I wonder if they’ve been in Austin before and I just kept missing them.
@Mario! – Jean Grey as a character never did anything for me so I skipped her.
Congrats on the find. With the new Siege event, you’d think Iron Patriot would be a figure we’d get soon, so kids can have the new Bucky Cap (from Giant Skrull pack) beating him up.
I’ve seen remnants of this wave in WMs and TRUs. The Targets I hit haven’t restocked in ages it seems.
It seems due for some more wave reveals. I don’ think we’ve had any confirmation on what S2W2 will be except from what was photographed at SDCC09. We definately could use some promo photos of that and news about wave 3 and SW wave 4 to keep us talking.
My brother collects these, and he found Sunfire, so they are starting to hit.
I picked up spider-man from this wave. I went to put the code in on fury files and it wouldnt let me. will there be a hammer code site??