Marvel Universe Wish List: Five Action Figures I’m Ready to Buy Today
I haven’t exactly been quiet about my love of Hasbro’s Marvel Universe 3.75-inch scale action figure series*, taking time to post several reviews and even some news as I notice it. Not to mention more than a few posts about the Fury Files website. I’ve had a few complaints, but overall this is a fantastic toy line and I can’t wait to grab more figures as they’re released.
But since this is the internet, and since I have a website devoted to posting about what interests me, I’m taking a little time this morning to list five Marvel characters that I’d love to see released as Marvel Universe action figures. I doubt anyone out there will completely agree with my list, but I suspect that a few of you will spot characters here that you’d also purchase if Hasbro made them available as action figures.
Frankenstein’s Monster
When I was very young one of the comics I owned was a Marvel adaptation of Frankenstein that included a record (I posted about this on my LiveJournal last year), but it wasn’t just an adaptation that earns Frankenstein’s Monster a place on this list. No, the character even appeared in books with Spider-Man, The Avengers, and Iron Man . . . the seventies (see the Marvel Comics Frankenstein entry on Wikipedia) were an awesome time for monsters and superheroes.
And not just the seventies. Just a few years ago Frankenstein’s Monster appeared with Hawkeye and Spider-Man. Yeah, this guy would make a fantastic Marvel Universe action figure.
Hate Monger
As a clone of Adolph Hitler (no, really), the Hate Monger is one of those Marvel villains that could have only been created in the sixties. A Hate Monger action figure, to be really special, would need a removable hood. This would be a great addition to the line, if only because the wacky costume and insane background makes this such an unlikely action figure that collectors everywhere would want one.
Wikipedia has all you’ll need to know about the Hate Monger, but don’t blame me for the character’s existence. No, just blame me if we actually get this guy as a Marvel Universe action figure.
Hulkbuster Iron Man
Blame the guys over at Sideshow Collectibles for this wish list. It’s only because of their Hulkbuster Iron Man statue** (mentioned here) that I even created this list.
Huge and powerful armor, this would make both a fantastic addition to my growing collection of Marvel Universe Iron Men (Proto-Classic Armor, Basic Iron Man, Silver Centurion, Golden Avenger, and Stealth Ops) and a great figure to pit against my Hulks.

Jack O’Lantern
The Jason Macendale Jack O’Lantern of the Marvel Comics of the eighties was a second-rate Hobgoblin who eventually went on to become the Hobgoblin. The only reason I want this character as a Marvel Universe action figure is because of the ridiculous costume. How can I resist a pumpkin-headed Spider-Man villain?
Bonus points to Hasbro if they also give us a Demogoblin action figure. (See Marvel’s entry on Demogoblin to find out why this would be such an easy action figure for Hasbro to create.)
US Agent
Man, this would be such an easy action figure for Hasbro to produce that they should contact me and make this a mail-order exclusive toy. Back in the eighties, while reading Captain America, one of my favorite storylines was the time when Steve Rogers was stripped of his shield and costume and forced to adventure as Cap; a Captain America-like black costume with a silver shield that was created by Tony Stark. When Rogers was returned to his status as Captain America the guys at Marvel eventually reused the black costume to create US Agent (see the Wikipedia entry).
This character would be so easy. Just a reuse of existing tooling with a new paint job. Seriously, Hasbro, give me a call. I’d be happy to take this guy as a exclusive.
So there they are, five characters ranging from “must own” action figures to “only Phil would want that” action figures. Hasbro could put out any of the figures on this list and I’d grab each one the second I saw it, even if the figures were only available in multi-pack sets with yet another Spider-Man action figure.
2009 has been an awesome first year for the Marvel Universe series, and what we’ve seen of 2010 is looking great, but if just one of these five characters makes it out as an action figure in 2010 then I’ll be blown over with amazement. These are all great choices, but most of them require completely new sculpting and tooling and that’s not cheap.
And Hasbro, be sure to call me about that US Agent exclusive. I’m ready when you are.
*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.
**Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.
Ah, you’re making it too easy on Hasbro with Jack O’latern, Demogoblin and US Agent. Those should definitely be in their play book with the way they like to re-use parts. My brother just last weekend said he thought my Hobgoblin figure was Demogoblin and did a double take.
I, too, have thought US Agent would be an easy re-deco for Hasbro (with maybe a new chest). I hope they do it. I like that costume.
A Hulk-buster would be over the top. Maybe it will come in an IM2 movie line, but I’d rather see it in MU proper. They only do 0 or 1 big guy per wave, and with Juggernaut coming, it would be a while waiting for HBIM.
@Prem1x – Yeah, some of these would be easy for Hasbro to create. But each one is a figure I’d buy right away.
If I had to choose just one I’d have to go with Frankenstein’s Monster.