Masters of the Universe Classics Has Been a Wild Ride!

In a comment on a recent post here at, reader prfkttear (DoomKick) puts the entire Masters of the Universe Classics action figure series ( search*) into perspective with an awesome response that I just had to pull out of the comments and feature.
MOTUC has been a wild ride! I remember how excited I was to see the first few reveals. It was like the figures I had always wanted! In those early days I don’t think I could have ever imagined this line going as far as it has. From He-Ro, Tytus & Megator, Wind Raiders, Granamyr, Jet Sled, Battle Ram, and Castle Greyskull! Who would have thought back then? They didn’t even know if the line was going to go beyond Man-At-Arms/Hordak!
I totally agree! Over five years of releases in the Masters of the Universe Classics series has brought us far more action figures — and even vehicles and a playset! — than I ever imagined could even happen. What makes this all the more impressive is that Mattel ran this line through a website and not in stores. The sales may not have been so great that Mattel pushed more marketing muscle behind Masters of the Universe, but I suspect this has been a trial effort and in the future we will see Mattel apply the lessons of this line to something new . . . on their site.
It’s given me updated figures of my favorite childhood toys, figures of characters I loved as a kid and never had the opportunity to own and characters that never even had toys as a kid — not to mention delving into MOTU’s rich lore brining us figures of concept characters like Vykron and Demo-Man which by themselves are so cool! Not to mention the characters from Filmation and the Minicomics!
Demo-Man (review here) is a great action figure with colors that will scare any of us! That plastic almost glows it is so bright, and the toy continues to be one of my favorite releases in the entire series.
Yes, it’s had it’s problems, but what line is without issues? I do not consider myself a Matty apologist, although I have been branded one by some. I have nothing but gratitude to Mattel, ToyGuru, and the Four Horsemen for giving us this great line!
Great comment, prfkttear, and I hope that many others can look at what Mattel has done with the Masters of the Universe Classics action figure series ( search*) and appreciate just how special of a line this has been. I know I may complain at times about Mattel’s decisions, but I cannot argue that something unexpected and wonderful was presented to fans and I am surprised at how much energy Mattel put into something with limited sales potential.
Hopefully there will be one last big surprise presented before the line completely closes down.
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Haha! Wow, I’m famous now! I’ve been quoted for Battle Grip! 😉 Thank you!
I can’t think of any upcoming releases that I’m not looking forward to. 2014 has been a great year thus far, IMO and although we pretty much know what we’re getting in 2015 I think it’s going to be a great final year.
If MOTUC does continue on after 2015 under a different name like some are talking about, rounding out the New Adventures collection and delving further back into MOTU lore with concept characters I’ll certainly pay attention, but if Matty can deliver on their promise and give us all the core vintage characters then I will feel that the line is complete!