Masters of the Universe Classics Mo-Larr Returns Today
If you missed Mo-Larr then you get another chance at him later today. Details are at Matty Collector, but basically all you need to do is be at the website at noon eastern today and have your fingers crossed. Either that, or sacrifice something to the site. I’m still not sure what the secret is to getting in there; it’s not as bad as it has been in the past, but ordering from the site still isn’t an enjoyable experience.

If you’re looking for more information on Mo-Larr see these reviews at It’s All True and OAFE. I’m passing — it’s cute, but I don’t need anything quite this goofy — but I’m sure there’s more than a few people out there who have been wanting this set. And don’t worry, eBay sellers, I’m sure today’s release won’t affect your profits.