Masters of the Universe Classics Series in “Danger?”

As usual, Poe Ghostal is doing a great job of following the latest nonsense from Mattel. This time, Mattel is suggesting that their Masters of the Universe Classics series ( search*) is somehow threatened by the low number of people subscribing for 2013. (Matty Collector subscriptions page.)
Poe has two recent posts — Mattel: Cherry Pickers Need Not Apply (& Could Ruin It for Everyone) and MOTUC 2013 Sub in Jeopardy? — that cover the latest from Mattel, but it’s the comments to both posts where things really start to get interesting. I’m sure it’s just the “vocal minority” effect at work again, but this seems to me like more unhappy customers than we’ve seen in years past.

There are a few things in both of those posts that I really want to comment on. Mattel has been especially offensive this time around with what — as some have described it — are little more than scare tactics.
Some figures will still have EXTREMELY limited “day-of†stock (meaning our regular sales to the general public on the 15th of each month), but many figures for all the clubs will have none at all. This means the ONLY way to know for sure you’ll be able to complete your collection for all lines now is to subscribe for the full year.
Okay, this is ridiculous. A company of Mattel’s size cannot afford to take a risk on an established property that they own? “None” is a bit damned extreme. Are they telling me that they cannot afford to produce even a few hundred extra figures to place on the site? Is Mattel telling all of us that the company is in such a cash poor position that they can only produce these figures to order? That doesn’t fit well with word that Mattel had higher profits second quarter — Batman, Barbie and cost cuts lift Mattel profit — but then maybe their profits make sense if they are cutting costs this deep.
And it doesn’t end there. Mattel also tells us:
So again, if these are toy lines you love, the best way to support them and guarantee your figures (and that the lines actually go forward) is to subscribe. Without the minimum number of subscribers, none of our lines will be able to move forward
Now it’s impossible for me to think that Mattel doesn’t know exactly what they are doing here, but I still sometimes wonder if they really have a clue. Maybe people aren’t subscribing because they love the series and they’re trying to prevent some of the really bad ideas from ever becoming a reality. That’s harsh, I know, but I say that if Mattel produced toys that fans wanted then the toys would sell. And this entire quoted section goes back to the “scare tactics” idea. I just wonder if it will work and fans will swarm to “save” the line.
But it’s the comments on Poe’s MOTUC 2013 Sub in Jeopardy? post where people really start to give their opinions on the entire situation. I can’t touch every comment, but there are two that I want to direct you at.
- Newton Gimmick: Quick and to the point with: “The sub is just too big and too expensive.” The subscription is $505 + fees and shipping. That’s at least $50 every month (and maybe more) if you subscribe. And unless you are trying to get every toy there will be months you would have rather had the $50 than a toy.
- Valo487: A comment that shows just how tired the more hardcore fans are getting: “My biggest concern is I hope they sort out the QC this year. I will not tolerate nearly as much this year, if they’re going to increase prices they better sort that stuff out.” Kinda makes me think of the 3A situation where fans continued to take it and take it and take it . . . and are now getting tired and voicing dissatisfaction with the poor quality control and slow shipping.
This could go on forever, so instead of keep rambling away I’ll just suggest that you jump over to Poe’s site. Step in and participate on the two posts — Mattel: Cherry Pickers Need Not Apply (& Could Ruin It for Everyone) and MOTUC 2013 Sub in Jeopardy? — and be heard. I doubt any posts on the web will change Mattel’s minds, but maybe if enough people comment they’ll at least think harder about how to improve subscriptions next year . . . if there even is a next year for the line.
And in the “these things never change” department I am reminded of my post from 2009: Phil’s Masters of the Universe Subscription Plan.
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