“Mattel sees Web driving Hot Wheels sales”
The February 8, 2002, issue of the Reading Eagle newspaper reprints this Wall Street Journal article on Mattel’s Hot Wheels toy cars (Amazon.com search*), sharing how Mattel sees their website as a step toward turning the line into a lifestyle brand. Just one step in many, sure, but I find it fun to look back at a time before the internet was such a strong part of our daily lives that a Hot Wheels subscription site was news.
Now these sorts of sites aren’t all that uncommon; hell, the flipside today is that physical subscriptions are actually generating more buzz than web subscriptions. See Lootcrate and every similar service for an example of what I mean.

Related articles
- Ben Affleck’s Lego Batmobile Revealed (toplessrobot.com)
- Drifting with Hot Wheels (battlegrip.com)
- Spotted Online – Hot Wheels Artwork by David White (battlegrip.com)