Max Steel Toys in Cancun
Gina and I spent about a week in Cancun back in June and, I hate to admit, since then I’ve done an absolutely terrible job of posting any of the photos that I took while we were on vacation. Well, I start correcting that mistake today and have now posted a Max Steel toy set at Flickr. What’s Max Steel? I’m glad you asked.

Max Steel (Wikipedia, search*) was released in the US about a decade ago but it wasn’t successful enough to survive in the US market. But the line was popular in Central and South America and continued to expand, running through several cartoons, comics, and toys. And while in Cancun Gina and I encountered several of the toys in Wal-Mart.

There were several different toys available, but the most impressive had to be the towering Colossal Shadow Elementor which was priced at $458 pesos . . . which translates to less than $35 US. Wow! To clearly show just how big this toy is I shot it next to a Batman action figure that’s available here in the US; take a look at the photo and then keep that $35 price in mind. If I’d thought it was possible to fit this giant in our luggage I would have brought it home.
I did buy a couple of Max Steel action figures, though, and really need to post reviews so that everyone can enjoy these fun, bizarre character designs. Until I get to that enjoy the Flickr set. Just make sure to avoid eBay when you’re looking at these photos.
UPDATE: I went to Cozumel on vacation and snapped more shots of Max Steel toys. See this post for the newest pics.
hot damn those are cool!
@Talyn – I grabbed two of the figures while I was there and I keep wishing I’d have snagged that monster of a toy. But it was really just too damned big for the luggage.
I vaguely remember Max Steel. I don’t remember it looking anything like that, those are awesome!
Max Steel is one of my favorite unheralded properties. Loved the toon and the toys were pretty neat too.
Had no idea if was that big in South and Central America!
Good thing you didn’t send Doughty these pics. You would have been shipping back a few of these.
@DoctorKent – Knowing Matt he’s already searching for a Glyos fan in Cancun so that he can work a massive trade.
Those Colossal Shadow Elementors
are such a deal at $35.
You could have bought one of those
baby carriers dads wear over their
shoulders and carried the Colossal
Shadow Elementor back home with you
in style ha ha ha
I’m so glad you take your camera
with you into stores.
Wow, now I want one too. Thanks for sharing Phil. Colossal Shadow Elementor is a bargain at twice the price.
@Krakit – I don’t always carry the camera when shopping in the US but when on an international trip the camera is a must. I’m happy to hear that carrying the camera makes more than just me happy.