Mech iDeas Announces “Gauntlet” and “Piston” Unofficial Transformers Toys
If these two look familiar it’s because we’ve seen them before. Last summer third party manufacturer Mach 5 announced unofficial versions of Ironfist and Crankcase (posted here), but pre-orders were too weak and the toys were cancelled. Well, after last week’s announcement and cancellation of unofficial Transformers Animated-styled toys (posted here) I can say I’m surprised to see Mech iDeas is taking a stab at these two toys.

Gauntlet (pre-order at Big Bad Toy Store, pre-order at TFSource) and Piston (pre-order at Big Bad Toy Store, pre-order at TFSource) are each priced at $30. In the hopes that this time these toys are actually produced I’m recommending that anyone who likes the looks of these pre-order soon; we don’t need another repeat of last week’s “get it, no you can’t” that killed those animated Huffer and Pipes toys.

I ordered Gauntlet immediately because I was scared of a repeat.
Piston I am still not sold on due to the height. If he was up sized and had an alternate damaged head like in IDW I would be all for it.
@mazintotoro – Fingers crossed these go through!