Mecha Azteca Vinyl Toy Robot Now Available

Thanks to the Top 10 Toys To Look Forward To In 2013 post at ToysREvil I know that the new Mecha Azteca vinyl toy robot is shipping from RAJE Toys in three versions, two of which are available at their website: Regular Edition, Jungle Edition. There’s a third version, but they don’t seem to have it available.

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This 12-inch tall vinyl toy robot, designed by Jesse Hernandez (website), looks to me like one remarkable toy and like it would make an awesome companion for the Combat-R Zero vinyl toy robot that I’ve reviewed before (first review here, second review here, third review here).

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2 thoughts on “Mecha Azteca Vinyl Toy Robot Now Available

  1. @Poe – I know exactly what you mean. I love the character and robot designs of anime but constantly have a tough time getting into the stories because of screaming, bizarre eyes and mouth action, and a never-ending stream of random background lines that blur past me.

    But I do love the designs.

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