Mecha Zone Update

David White (website) is working away at Mecha Zone (last mentioned here), his now-successful Kickstart project that’s going to bring us a new edition of his book on mecha . . . including a new “how to” section where David creates a mecha from scratch.

Hey everyone, I’m working hard to create the new mechs for the book. Here are some sketches for one of the robots alternate modes. The robot mode is based on a sketch I did a few years ago but will be heavily modified and enhanced based on whichever jet sketch I choose. I’ll also change the head so it doesn’t look so much like something from Macross/Robotech.

If you’re not backing the project then you should still get a chance to grab a copy of his book once it is released. And if you do not yet have his other book, but you’ve always wanted to draw mecha, you can grab a copy from his website.