Affiliate Link – Megatron’s a Gun?
How in the hell did this happen, and why is there not a Deluxe figure like this? The upcoming Transformers Generations Legends Figures Wave 4* includes a Megatron that transformers into a gun . . . it’s a Christmas miracle! These are too tiny for me, but they give me hope that the Transformers Generations line will include a classic style Megatron. Please, Hasbro.

Small in stature but still fully transformable, these 2-inch scale Transformers Legends give you humongous heroes and mega-villains in a smaller, more convenient size that makes these Decepticon and Autobot figures easy to store or take with you wherever you go. They’re great fun for Transformers fanatics of all dimensions! Stand about 2-inches tall in robot mode.
I’ll bet they can only get away with it by making him a legends class figure, the gun would be too small to fire any kind of projectile. But hey, here’s hopin!
Here’s something that’s really neat about that size though. Megatron is designed to fit in Masterpiece Starscream’s hands. It’s actually inscale!
I am excited about this too! My guess as to the reason they can/will make this one, however , is that it’s too small to be ‘mistaken’ for a real gun. I wouldn’t hold my breath on a bigger one coming out…ever.
@Fintal – So that means he’ll also fit my Masterpiece Skywarp. Nice! I had no idea about that bit of info.
Yeah, the tiny size probably helps. I still have my fingers crossed for a deluxe-class Megatron that turns into a pistol. After all, there was the Classics Megatron a few years ago: