Mego Micronauts and Tomy Fashion Plates at Osco Drug in 1978

December 14, 1978. Jump to page 15 in this Southeast Missourian newspaper for another look at the Mego Micronauts Time Traveler action figure. Similar in appearance to two other newspaper ads we’ve seen (first ad, second ad), this is technically a third variant on the design. Different price. Different store. Even the artwork is different!

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Bonus! The ad also includes this block for Tomy’s Fashion Plates art toy, giving us yet another data point in the price of the toy in the late seventies and early eighties. Combine this with the other Fashion Plates newspaper ads I’ve posted ( search) and we are well on our way to constructing a completely useless chart under the title of “Tomy’s Fashion Plates Prices 1978-1983.” That’s a needed bit of information, right?

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