Mego’s Buck Rogers Star Fighter and Draconian Marauder

I know that this classic Buck Rogers toy commercial seems to focus more on the Land Rover than it does the two spaceships that are shown, but it’s definitely the Star Fighter and the Draconian Marauder that strike me as the more impressive pieces in the line. Check Mego Central for more on the line, and then stay away from any Star Fighter and Draconian Marauder eBay auctions you may see; there’s a good chance I’ll start hunting these down since they look pretty damned sweet.

For even more on the toys see,, and this page at Mego Museum.

For fiction I suggest Buck Rogers: Arrival*, a short story collection published in 1989 by TSR (before they got their Buck Rogers XXVc RPG* on the market; which, by the way, is a fantastic RPG line and one I suggest to anyone curious about what TSR did to their D&D second edition rules).

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