Michael Bay Out to Ruin Ashley Wood’s Zombies vs Robots
What else would Michael Bay do with a property other than completely ruin whatever artistic value may exist? The word — details at G4 and at Geeks of Doom — is that Michael Bay now has the rights to create a film based on the Zombies vs Robots comic series* but who knows if we’ll actually see anything.
After all, don’t forget that Bruckheimer has the World War Robot* rights and we’ve yet to see a film. (See Movie Moron.) Why would this Bay-produced mess be any different? Hollywood loves to grab IPs and then do nothing with them.
Actually, I guess the best we can hope for is that Hollywood does nothing with either series. After all, do we really need to see what “they” would do to change Ashley Wood’s robot designs? I know I could live without seeing anyone try to bring their questionable sense of “humor” and “style” to either property.