Microman Blog on Tumblr
Transformers fans, if you want to follow the pre-history of the original 1980s Transformers toys then you need to explore this Microman blog on Tumblr. Catalogs, ads, and other bits of the past . . . and all translated to English! This is a massive project and I love that a lot of the art has been posted at a high enough resolution that we can actually see it.

Related articles
- Retro Japanese Transformers Toy Ads Before They Were Transformers (geektyrant.com)
- Huffer (collectiondx.com)
- Tokyo Toy Show 1983 – The Unveiling of Diaclone and Microman toys (seibertron.com)
That is some gorgeous art. I love the style and the colors chosen. Very lovely!
The early 80’s had some truly gorgeous art in action figure packaging and design, didn’t they?
Thanks, Philip! I look forward to sharing more from all over Microman’s 40 year history (and probably some related series) in posts to come!