Monsterwax Trading Cards
A series of recent events led me back to non-sport trading cards. In the early and mid-nineties I used to collect different non-sport card sets, but as the chase cards and promo cards become more and more difficult to find I eventually gave up even trying. Well, between collecting the Glyos System art cards packed in various figures, the release of the Suckadelic Suckpax (mentioned here), and a review coming later this week), and the Cool Cards feature at Dork Dimension (mentioned here), I eventually found myself looking at non-sports trading card sets again.
![shockstories Click to visit Monsterwax.](
Which led me to Monsterwax, a small trading card publisher that posted a Manifesto that makes them a company I could get behind.
“We were troubled by the direction trading cards were going in the early 1990s, and we thought it was heading in the wrong direction. The market has since crashed, and never fully recovered. We feel that, like the auto industry, the problem isn’t with the customers– it’s with the producers. If they listen more to what customers want and make better products, people will buy them.”
Read the Manifesto and sit back in amazement as a trading card company makes promises that are friendly to card collectors. And, more importantly, they’ve been keeping these promises since 1992.
And their sets look fantastic. War of the Worlds, Shock Stories, Tune in for Terror, and Monsterfaces all demonstrate that Monsterwax is a company devoted to creating card sets that I could love.
![wotwcards Click to visit Monstewax.](
So after exploring the site, and reading reviews about the War of the Worlds set, I went ahead and ordered a set (and the promos). I’m just waiting for the mail, but if these cards are as cool as they look and sound then I’ll definitely have to try more Monsterwax cards.
I’ll let you guys know how these look when they arrive.