More From Hong Kong

Hi again, guys! It’s Tuesday morning here in Hong Kong and I’m headed out for meetings soon. First, though, I thought you’d like to see some snaps from Hong Kong. I ran into a toy store last night with Revoltech figures for $10 to $20/each. And that’s Hong Kong Dollars, so I paid about $1.50 US for a Revoltech figure.

Click to visit Flickr.

They even had the Transformers Starscream Revoltech figure (review here) in that stack for $20 Hong Kong Dollars. Now that’s an awesome deal. Under $3 US for something I bought for about $20 US. Update: Bad, bad math and thinking on my part. Only a few were $10 to $20 HK dollars; most were $70 HK dollars. Which is still only $10. Sorry, guys, but I’m still kinda disoriented and fuzzy. The time zone change has my body clock all wonky and weird and it’s affecting me.

And there was a huge mix of old and new toys. Including MIB M.A.S.K. toys.

Click to visit Flickr.

Check my Hong Kong set at Flickr for more photos from Hong Kong.

10 thoughts on “More From Hong Kong

  1. If they had any Revoltech Assemble Borg you should get those, they look awesome (as they are customizable in the same line as Micronauts) and you can’t find them for under $50 here in the states (I’ve tried).

  2. @Monsterforge – You don’t even wanna know. I saw Japanese vinyl for $70-$100 HK Dollars. And lots of it.

  3. I hope you’re buying lots of Godzilla, Doctor Who (I doubt they have that there but still) and other goodies for all your friends at Infinite Hollywood. Because I need cheap deals from a Hong Kong Connection.

    Actually that sounds like a great idea for a TV show, “Hong Kong Connection”… I think I’m off to write a TV screen play.

  4. Jealous you are in HK bro…but, while you are gone I completed your order. They should be waiting for you when you return home! Hope you are having a blast…looks like you are.


  5. @ennui – Head over to Causeway Bay and look for Sugar street (it’s a very short street off of one of the main streets). Wander down Sugar street and watch for a couple of signs and an old, old man who will smile at you. He’s like a Wal-Mart greeter and will direct you to the 16th floor of an office building where you’ll find the M.A.S.K. toys and a hell of a lot more. It’s an amazing shop and I’ve been there twice now.

  6. @TGB – I promise I’ll do my best to have a good time. I’ve got two more days in Hong Kong and I plan to use them.

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