More from the new workshop . . .

Here are two new Glyos custom toys. These are a departure from some of the more recent work — the only resin bit in these designs is one of the heads from TheGodBeast (website, Twitter). All of the other parts used in the construction of these two toys come from Onell Design and Callgrim.

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Both of these followed the basic painting process. Primer, a base coat (the one above was two colors of spray paint for the base coat), detail paint, gloss coat, color wipe, touch up details, drybrushing, and then an entire can of gloss finish to lock everything in place.

It’s not very noticeable, but the figure above uses a pearl gloss; in person it’s got a little bit of a sparkle when the light hits it. That effect just doesn’t photograph well.

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2 thoughts on “More from the new workshop . . .

  1. Bro, that is a sick build and an incredible paint job. Totally made him look like an absolutely different character!


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