More Future Disco Fun

Last month I posted a quick bit about the Future Disco website and how much fun I’m having listening to all of the modern-retro jams. Since then I’ve scored a few more discs in the series, including Future Disco 4: Neon Nights* which opens with the incredible “Cocaine Blues” by Escort (official website). I know it’s not toys, art, games, or anything similar . . . but I don’t care. I’m sharing!

2 thoughts on “More Future Disco Fun

  1. Long-time lurker, first-time poster here. For some reason, I never figured you for a dance/club music guy. Keep the music posts coming… they give your already-unique-in-the-world-of-toy-reviews site even more personality.

  2. @Zuludelta – Thanks! I’ve got a pretty wide range of music in my collection. Maybe I should consider a once-a-week post dedicated to sharing a few tracks.

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