More Reviews Added to the List

Okay, since I was trying to fill in this week as Articulated Discussion focuses on G.I. Joe I’ve gone back and added some more reviews to my Non-G.I. Joe Reviews of the Last Week post from this morning.

I wanna say I’m sorry to the sites I missed, but this is the first time I ever attempted this and it is a huge job. If I missed any other non-Joe reviews that were posted over the last week please let me know.

4 thoughts on “More Reviews Added to the List

  1. I was only kidding — you didn’t have to do that, and apologies are totally unnecessary! Your hard work is very much appreciated, Phil. 🙂

  2. @Wes – No worries, Wes. It didn’t take a lot of time to add more reviews and it made the list a bit more useful.

  3. I wish there was some kind of service where people could submit the reviews themselves. That way, it wouldn’t be such a production to do a toy review roundup. I’m imagining something like Twitter where people would post a title and the link. Or maybe have people email the reviews to a central person who would aggregate the reviews, rather than have that person go out to the sites and do the work himself.

  4. @Nathan – A “twibe” might work for that if we could get enough toy reviewers to join.

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