More Star Wars Die Cast Vehicles at Fred Meyer


Earlier this morning we looked at a December 23, 1979 newspaper ad for the Fred Meyer stores. The ad gave us a great look at Kenner’s Star Wars die cast vehicles, and looking at the ad really made me want to look into what it would take to assemble a collection of those toys. I filed the idea away and then went back to poking at newspaper archives, not even thinking about the toys until . . . BAM!

Another ad from December 23, 1979 — this time from The Spokesman Review of Spokane, WA — an ad for Fred Meyer, and an ad for the die cast vehicles. But this ad’s different. Take a look at that rough drawing of a kid holding Kenner’s Millenium Falcon die cast toy and remember just how great it was when artists made money to draw things that today we simply photograph.

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