Music as Science at Electri-City

Last night, Gina and I hit Kenny Dorham’s Backyard in Austin for a chance to see ArcAttack and their singing Tesla Coils.

Click to visit ArcAttack.
Click to visit ArcAttack.

Here’s a short video showing what they can do with this thing. Impressive, most impressive.

The show we saw used a cage, not a suit, and as we were leaving (we had to bug out in the middle of the set because of my allergies) the band was starting to put audience members in the cage. So my allergies forced me to miss the chance to stand in the middle of the lightning.

Click to visit Linda Wandt's site.
Click to visit Linda Wandt's site.

There were also some vendors set up along one side of the grounds, where we ran into local artist Linda Wandt.

Overall, a fun night out in Austin. I’m usually down on Austin as a city, but maybe poking at some of the indie art and music events will make me appreciate the city.

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