My Latest Office Project: Ogre Sixth Edition
To be fair, I’ve always got more than one project going on at the office. Between people and project management I keep pretty busy, but not so busy that I can’t take a few moments to direct you guys to this page at BoardGameGeek where everyone’s discussing the size of the planned box for our new edition of the Ogre game.
To give you a sense of scale the Munchkin Fu box is 6.25″x9.25″x1.75″. Our planned Ogre box is 21.5″x18.25″x5″ or so. Yeah, this thing’s a monster. And it is taking a lot of time, but I can see us growing closer to finishing and sending the game to print; it should be available late this year.
That’s no box, that’s a space station!
@Seth L – We weren’t kidding when we said this edition is big.