My Virulentos Went Outside
Yesterday’s mail, besides the usual assortment of bills and junk, also included my Virulentos resin toy by Troy Stith (hit his blog right here). For a tiny, solid chunk of painted resin this is one cute toy. While out wandering downtown Austin this morning I took him along and he had a good time.
At least, he looks like he’s having fun in these photos. My favorite shot is the last of the three shown here. I love the reflection of the wall on the water.
(Click any of these images for larger versions.)
I love seeing the pictures of your toys like this. I love water reflections
Thanks, man. I enjoy carrying toys around and taking shots of them; I’m going on a road trip in a few weeks and I plan to take a selection of toys with me so that I can grab some pictures on the road.
Does everyone just ignore you when you take these things, or do parents rush their kids away in fear?
@Drayco90 – People pretty much ignore me when I’m out taking photos. While taking these shots several people passed by and none seemed to even notice that I was laying on the ground playing with toys.