Mythic Legions Website Launches and 7-Inch Scale Action Figure Excitement
The Four Horsemen have launched, a complete site dedicated to their upcoming Mythic Legions action figure series. For many months there it looked as if the Four Horsemen would tackle the toys as 4-inch scale action figures (see “Why the Four Horsemen’s “Mythic Legions†Aren’t 6-Inches Tall”), but with Mattel’s Masters of the Universe Classics series ( search*) in a weird state I see an opening for the Four Horsemen to step in and make a lot of collectors very happy.

It appears obvious that Mattel is unlikely to bring us an army of 7-inch scale Skeleton action figures for our Masters of the Universe Classics collections ( search*), so as Mattel appears to slow in this department the Four Horsemen could produce this line at a compatible scale and give the most dedicated of the collectors more figures to display perfectly with the toys they’ve been collecting since 2008.
Every action figure shown on the Mythic Legions characters page could fit with a Masters of the Universe Classics collections ( search*) if the Four Horsemen took a chance at making their toys 7-inch scale figures, so I can see where taking a shot at a Kickstarter project for larger toys has the potential to succeed. Now I have no idea what will happen, but I know getting characters like Urzokk and Tibius at Masters scale would be pretty sweet.

Another reason to take a chance on a riskier scale (larger is costlier, peoples, and costlier means riskier for business) is that projects like the Marauder figures (last mentioned here) and Boss Fight figures (last mentioned here) have kinda snatched up the 4-inch market the Mythic Legions were planned at, making it a tougher market to enter than it would have been had the Mythic Legions action figures launched earlier this year.
However they decide to proceed I wish the Four Horsemen the best of luck. And I am sure that at any scale the Mythic Legions action figures will look fantastic.
Which scale would you like to see these released in?
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6-7″, definitely. These figures look great, and I would love to get in on this line. I’m still sad I can’t find a Gothitropilis Anubos.
I’m definitely in favor of the 6 to 7 inch scale as it seems to be the preferred scale for most fantasy based toylines: MOTUC, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, all of the other 4H Gothiropolis and Seventh Kingdom stuff, and Magic the Gathering.
Personally, I just can’t see these being as appealing to 1/18th scale collectors. They don’t seem to have much in common in terms of construction, style, or design with Star Wars or G.I. Joe. If you’re going to create a successful 1/18th line, you kind of need to work things in with those two lines.
Yeah, 4H are in a weird position. It seems like they’re having trouble making these in 6-7 inch scale, which is what their fans want. And after the Maruaders and HACKS stuff, I wonder how much more a Joe Fan’s wallet can stretch… Seems like they would have infinitely better success going for the larger scale, like you said, to fill that void that MOTUC is leaving..
I’d be fine with 4 inch. Since these were designed with Glyos joints, the pricing should be pretty good! (On the other hand, if they upscale them, I think that throws Glyos connectivity out the window.)
I’ve got no interest in these if they try to move the scale up to 6-7″. Not that I think there’s much of a chance for that, but that won’t stop people from bringing it up every time the line is discussed.
4H can really do no wrong, but seems they are struggling with some of their projects as of late. Might be just due to increased costs across the board.
I think I’d prefer 4″ scale for affordability’s sake. Heck, even if they split the difference and went 5.5″ (old school MOTU) that would be fine with me. I’m a collector, and I’m not looking for them to go in with any other line – I’m willing to let them stand on their own.
These would be absolutely breathtaking at 6-7 inches. Very cool at 3 3/4 too.