New 6-Inch “The Corps” Action Figures at Walmart
Lanard’s The Corps series ( search*) has entered new territory with these 6-inch scale action figures that are currently only at Walmart. Clearly inspired by Hasbro’s Hero Mashers action figure style ( search*), these new toys look great . . . and at just $4/each it’s tough not to think there will be a few kids out there who get these for Christmas.

The only way Landard could have made these new The Corps action figures even cooler would have been to go with an 8-inch scale. Then these would have played together perfectly with Hasbro’s older G.I. Joe: Sigma Six action figures ( search*). That’s too much to expect, but I can dream.

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- Spotted Online – Star Wars: The Force Awakens and 5 Points of Articulation (
- G.I. Joe: Sigma Six and ToyFare Magazine in 2005 (
- Action Figure Fury and Hasbro’s Monopoly on Action Figures (
That was exactly my thought, Phil! If these had been compatible with Sigma 6 I would have went nuts and bought them all!