New G.I. Joe Action Figures on Shelves

On the way to the airport this morning I stopped at HEB, a local grocery chain, and managed to arrive just as employees were restocking their selection of toys. These new G.I. Joe action figures look great, and it’s nice to see the new wave starting to hit Austin.

I snagged a Cobra Viper. That’s one shiny faceplate!

8 thoughts on “New G.I. Joe Action Figures on Shelves

  1. I snagged two Hazard Vipers last week, though I had to spend forever in line at Walmart because they weren’t in the system yet. It was WORTH it, they’re pretty awesome and I got the regular Viper just the other day as well, also incredibly sweet. I was impressed that his bazooka missile actually dettaches.

  2. @Black Zarak – If the Hazard Viper had been there it would have been mine. Out of this first wave that’s the one that looks coolest to me . . . but this Viper looked too great when I was holding it to put it down.

  3. @Jonny – The Wal-Marts and Targets here are also stuck with a lot of old stuff; I find that several times the HEBs around Austin get some releases much earlier.

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