New Glyos Custom Corps at 9 Eastern

There are new photos and information over at the Glyos Transmission Web Log and I thought it would be fun to throw up some grainy phone pics. There will be new customs and the metal heads will also be available.

And I’m not alone out here. Nope, Josh from CollectionDX is also out at Glyos HQ tonight so we’ve got two sites covering the behind the scenes madness for new toy night. Everyone say hi to Josh.

4 thoughts on “New Glyos Custom Corps at 9 Eastern

  1. WOW! Can’t believe Matt cleaned up the “photobooth” table from allt he past toys of the past 2 years! what a pile to look at! Wonder where he dropped all these.
    Love that he wears that shirt and shorts all the time, hehe.

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