New Glyos Toys Today

Click to visit the Glyos Transmission Web Log!

Rush over to the Glyos Transmission Web Log for details, and then prepare to strike at 3pm eastern this afternoon. With custom builds, custom dye jobs, and even a chance at older figures, this afternoon is gonna be insane as Glyos fans try to score a little of everything.

Click to visit the Glyos Transmission Web Log!

The General Phanost Custom Corps figures are limited to two per customer, and unless Matt does something crazy like he did with the last Custom Corps drop I expect all of these to be gone in the first thirty minutes or so. So act fast if you want new Glyos, but be sure to save some cash for the upcoming Callgrim release. And San Diego Comic Con next month . . .

Click to visit the Glyos Transmission Web Log!

4 thoughts on “New Glyos Toys Today

  1. Okay, so I just beat the gylaxia game with the dome to unlock the pictures of the new vinyl figure, and it looks awesome!!!!

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