New Mad Max Video Game Trailer

There were posters and all kinds of announcements for the new Mad Max game at SDCC a few weeks ago, but it wasn’t until I was home and at the computer that I had the chance to sit down and watch the trailer. Could be cool, but considering it has been several months since I last played a game on the XBox I’m not exactly the target audience these days; maybe once this year of travel is over I’ll find the time and energy for some games.

I have to admit, though, that it really feels like the best trailers and storytelling these days is coming from the video game industry and not Hollywood blockbusters.

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1 thought on “New Mad Max Video Game Trailer

  1. I would agree some of the best trailer work is deffinatley coming out of gaming, it’s still as full of dissapointments just like the movies.

    Sure we’ve been lucky to get some truly terrific games (Tomb Raider, Last of Us etc) it’s still mostly over priced crap. It seems that game companies push to much for a graphically impressive game and leave out the gameplay and storyline elements for last.

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