New Masters of the Universe Classics Toys Today!

Don’t forget, guys, that today at noon eastern over at the Matty Collector website there will be three new Masters of the Universe Classics toys going up for sale. I’m not interested in Battle Cat, but I’d love to get my hands on a Trap Jaw and one pack of Castle Grayskull Diorama and Stands.

Click to visit Matty Collector.
Click to visit Matty Collector.

Unfortunately, I’m in meetings today and working the booth at New York Toy Fair so I won’t be near a computer at noon eastern. Which means that unless some kind soul scores an extra Trap Jaw and an extra set of stands for me then I am well and truly hosed and stuck using eBay to try and nab these.

So if anyone does get extras and is willing to sell them to me please let me know.

Click to visit Matty Collector.

5 thoughts on “New Masters of the Universe Classics Toys Today!

  1. Crap man, wish I’d seen this before I ordered today I would have hooked you up. It was a major meltdown today, but I managed to get my order in. Good luck finding them.

  2. It really did all fall apart, I barely squeaked by with only trying to buy one Trap-Jaw, much less anything else!

  3. What was funny to me was seeing the seething rage that the He-Fans spewed across the forums when they didn’t get their figures. Now, I love the line, and was pretty frustrated, but there was some major cursing and insults (that I think crossed the line in some cases) headed Mattel’s way.

  4. @ clark, I agree that it went way over the line.. Especially considering that we are still talking about toys and no one’s pets were murdered *that I know of.* That said, I can understand the anger to a point. This has been going on for so incredibly long now, really since the whole MOTUC thing began. I think the straw is just beginning to settle onto the camel’s back, personally.

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