New Transformers at Target

Just spotted the new wave of Transformers Reveal the Shield toys at Target. Wreck-Gar looks way cooler than I expected, but today I’m just grabbing Perceptor. I may be back for that Bumblebee, but the G2-inspired Optimus Prime does nothing for me.

1 thought on “New Transformers at Target

  1. Just nabbed this wave too. If you don’t have that Bumblebee mold, get it, it’s really charming. I’ve got the 2006 version, and still love it.

    Perceptor would be awesome, but the quality control on mine is terrible, I can’t get him back into vehicle mode. At least he looks great, and is plenty of fun in robot mode.

    Wreck gar is cool, but I’ve never been into motorcycles. Not super fond of his transformation either.

    G2 Prime is a mess. Horrible colors in both modes, feels cheaper then dirt, doesn’t hold together in either mode worth crap, and there’s a peg on his right shoulder in robot mode which completely hinders articulation and makes the shoulder permanently lop-sided. Really disappointed in him, he looks like the dogs breakfast all around.

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