New Transformers Autocracy Preview
The Transformers: Autocracy trade paperback* is still over a month away, but the final issues are not yet on “shelves” so there are still previews hitting the net. And the latest, for issue 11, is online at and so far I’m still excited to get the collection and read the complete story.

From what I can tell IDW has really done a great job with this pre-war comic series. It doesn’t match earlier tellings of the Transformers pre-war, but I don’t think I care. After all, this is the Transformers mythology, and everyone has their own vision of what has come before. I know that’s bad if you want to treat the universe and these stories as a bit more real than they are, but if you’re a fan of stories, and if you love seeing Cybertronian stories, then the more different pasts we get the happier we can all be. Right?
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