News – Shogun Warrior at Entertainment Earth

Entertainment Earth is now taking pre-orders for a new 24-inch Mazinger Z robot toy. According to the site:
“Known in the U.S. as one of the characters in Mattel’s vintage Shogun Warriors line, this new Mazinger Z Jumbo Grendizer 24-Inch Figure is a real classic. Standing a solid 2-feet tall, the articulated vinyl robot is going to tower over your collection and dominate your other toys. More than a plaything, this massive collectible won’t just improve your robo-cred; it will change the feel of an entire room. Get yours before he blasts off again!”
I remember Shogun Warriors as one of those toys I always wanted but never owned. The closest I ever came was playing with Shogun Warriors that were owned by friends and, at one point, buying a Shogun Warrior fist at a garage sale for a quarter (I was about ten at the time).
As is usual when I remember something (like Eagle Force or Robo Force), I started poking around the web. The top page at Google, Wildtoy’s Shogun Warriors page, ate up quite a bit of my time as I poked at the various sections. If you’ve got time to play, and are interested in Shogun Warriors, take a look at the site.