Next Book – Kenner Toys or G.I. Joe: Sigma Six?

The sequel to Transforming Collections* — my book about third party Transformers toys and accessories — is definitely next, but what would you like to see come after the Transforming Expectations Kickstarter project?

  • Killer Toys – I posted about this in June, but the basic idea is that this is a collection of essays and photos dedicated to the Kenner action figures of the seventies, eighties, and nineties. This one would be more of an editing and compilation job on my part, since I feel to really make the book fun each essay should be written by a different author. Full-color hardcover is a must to show off all of those glorious Kenner action figures.

  • G.I. Joe: Sigma Six Guide – Even though the G.I. Joe: Sigma Six series ( search*) hasn’t been seen on the site in months doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten it. In fact, what has happened is as I’ve bought lots and sealed cases of the 8-inch action figures I’ve realized how much we need a book featuring these incredible 8-inch action figures.

    This would show every 8-inch action figure that was released in the line. My current thinking is each figure would get two pages and that there would be hundreds of color photographs. I do not have a complete set of the figures, but I’m fairly close and if I started a book I would chase down what’s missing; either buying the necessary figures or borrowing if something turns out to be too difficult to acquire.

So there they are, the two book options I’m most seriously considering at this time. But rather than just make a decision I wanted to ask all of you for input. Transforming Expectations is definitely first, but which of these two books would you want to see next?

And while I’m here I figure I’ll drop links to all of the Sigma Six reviews I’ve posted. The photos in those reviews are all of a high enough resolution that they could be used in a printed book, so a little of the work on that book is already done.

26 thoughts on “Next Book – Kenner Toys or G.I. Joe: Sigma Six?

  1. When I think about the toys I played with as a kid Kenner dominates: Ghostbusters, RoboCop, Batman, Aliens/Predator and even Jurassic Park, The Shadow, Terminator 2.

    Kenner all the way!

  2. If you go Sigma 6, I’d get with Justin from

    I’d love to see a book on the Kenner toys, especially Ghostbusters, Robocop, T2 & Aliens/ Predator toys

  3. I’d definitely vote for the Sigma 6 book. I have many of the figures, including a couple of the harder to get ones, and I’d be willing to lend you them for pictures if needed.

  4. @Ghost Target – The Kenner book wouldn’t cover any one series completely, but would provide different people’s thoughts on different lines. But if such a book did well I could see follow up books happening.

  5. Man, I love both of those things but Sigma 6 is my absolute favorite toyline. I’ve got a complete set (well, other than the prototypes which Justin has). Love, love, love Sigma 6. Heck, the first reviews I ever wrote were Sigma 6 reviews.

  6. Between the two, I’d prefer Kenner over Sigma 6 but only because I have limited interest in Sigma 6 (the only Joe brand I never got into). I’d likely buy either book though because I am (still) really enjoying Transforming Collections and would love more books in a similar format. I’d love to see you do a book on MASK!

  7. @Stratos – I’ve thought about a MASK book for seven years now and have collected a fairly good chunk of the toys necessary to create that book. I really should start cleaning the collection and photographing all of the toys and assemble that book.

  8. Sigma 6 would hard sell as I believe it away not a super popular GIjoe line. I would recommend. A PDF for GIjoe and go with the Kenner book

  9. I vote for the Kenner book (partly because I’m hoping to write something for it, but also because I have no interest in Sigma Six).

    Hey Phil, is it hard to secure the rights to photos of toys? Or do you not have to?

    1. As long as you snap the photos you’re fine. Reference books are typically completely fine as long as you properly mention all of the various trademarks and such and don’t use the trademarks in product titles. But, as always, lawyers are your friends when trying something new.

      But check almost any toy guide out there and you’ll find it’s unofficial and unlicensed. There are some licensed books, but there are a lot more that are unofficial.

  10. I vote Sigma Six since those were some awesome figures (I don’t have them all either) and it would compliment the other GI Joe action figure books out there (Ultimate Guide by Mark Bellemo and R.A.H.C. James Kavanaugh).

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